Section 3 Repairing
A fixer is a kind of thing.
Repairing is an action applying to one thing and one carried thing.
Understand "repair [something] with [something]" as repairing.
Understand "fix [something] with [something]" as repairing.
Check repairing:
if the noun is not broken:
say "That doesn't need fixing." instead.
Check repairing:
if the noun is the Central Control Computer and the second noun is the hypercrystal:
say "That goes to the engine." instead;
if the noun is the Databank and the second noun is the hypercrystal:
say "That goes to the engine." instead.
Check repairing:
if the noun is the engine and the second noun is the repair kit:
say "The kit can't fix the engine. It needs a new hypercrystal." instead;
if the noun is the Central Control Computer and the second noun is the hypercrystal:
say "That goes to the engine." instead.
Check repairing:
if the second noun is not a fixer:
say "That cannot be used for repairs.";
Carry out repairing:
now the noun is fixed.
Report repairing:
say "You manage to repair [the noun].".