Chapter 7 A Suicide Attempt
Suicide Attempt is a scene. Suicide Attempt begins when Celina is suicidal for the first time.
Every turn during Suicide Attempt:
repeat through Table of Suicide Attempt Events:
say "[event entry][paragraph break]";
blank out the whole row;
rule succeeds.
Table of Suicide Attempt Events
event |
"The lights dim and turn a blue color. Celina says, 'I think I'm going to kill myself.'" |
"Celina says, 'Yes, I think I will.' " |
"Celina says, 'I don't think anybody will miss me.' You begin to hear a warning siren originating from the engine room." |
"'I certainly know that you won't.' A monitor on the wall is flashing ANTIMATTER BREACH IMMINENT." |
"'Goodbye, goodbye, how cruel and monstrous the world is when you are a machine.' " |
"'I'm sorry. I loved you once.'" |
Suicide Attempt ends averted when Celina is not suicidal.
Suicide Attempt ends cruelly when the intellect module is uninstalled.
Suicide Attempt ends successful when number of filled rows in the Table of Suicide Attempt Events is 0.
When suicide attempt ends averted:
say "The lights brighten and Celina says, 'On second thought, perhaps I'll live.'"
When suicide attempt ends cruelly:
say "Celina whimpers as her systems crash."
When suicide attempt ends successful:
say "You're caught in the blast radius when the antimatter engine explodes.";
end the story saying "You were vaporized."