Part 3 Story
Chapter 1 Fire!
Fire! is a scene. Fire! begins when play begins.
The fire is scenery in the cockpit.
Before taking the fire:
say "You will burn yourself." instead.
Every turn during Fire!:
repeat through Table of Fire! Events:
say "[event entry][paragraph break]";
blank out the whole row;
rule succeeds.
Fire! ends badly when the number of filled rows in the Table of Fire! events is 0.
Fire! ends fine when the fire is off-stage.
Table of Fire! events
event |
"Smoke is filling the cockpit." |
"The fire continues to burn!" |
"The fire continues to burn! The smoke is getting thicker." |
"The fire is growing! It's getting hard to breathe in the cockpit." |
"The fire is about to get out of control." |
"The fire is spreading to the airlock, and the rest of the ship." |
Instead of going south during Fire!:
say "The airlock is firelocked, it won't open as long as the fire's burning."
When Fire! ends badly:
say "The fire spreads to the rest of the ship.";
end the story saying "You burned to death."